Meliox Connect - the platform

Meliox Connect, is an open, cloud-based platform that provides control over your entire property portfolio through integration and data collection from all technical systems and sensors - regardless of technology and make. You reach all your properties and systems from one point.

With Connect, data collection, analysis and optimization of your properties becomes possible in a simple and efficient way. Connect is built on the latest technology, with high security, reliability and scalability.

Meliox Connect is a SaaS solution (Software as a Service) which i.a. means; access to the solution via browser, seamlessly scalable in number of systems and properties, has access to unlimited data power & has high reliability/SLA.

See below for modules and functions.

Modules & functions

Here you can read about some of the modules and functions included in Connect.

If you want a deep dive, you are very welcome to book a demo - contact us here.

BAS integration for remote access and control


Energy optimization with Machine Learning and AI

Monitoring, alarms & notifications

Energy visualization  & analysis

API, integration and data export

Digital twin  brings insights and control


Security & access management
